Chugging Along

Not a lot of interesting developments here. I've been plugging away at schoolwork, and taking more bus trips. I've had more WillVille of course, plus two charters to Chautauqua and one to the Boulder Reservoir. I'm really enjoying this work so far, it's probably one of the better student jobs I could think of.

Last Sunday we cleaned the garage, in preparation for the Broomfield City Spring Cleanup. On one day out of the year they'll take just about anything that people need to get rid of, so I'm going to get my computer junkyard cleared out. I probably have 15 or so computer towers that are basically useless, and I need to be able to get them out the door. With Ashley's and Jackie's help, we cleaned out all of the cardboard boxes and the strewn-about recycled bottles, and we were rewarded with a walkable path through the garage. We still have the old corner couch and a few other things to deal with, but Ashley and Jackie are planning a garage sale soon for those.

Tomorrow I'm headed to Ft. Carson for my April drill. We're running weapons qualification again, so wish me luck!


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