Long Monday

Yesterday was quite the long day for me. It started out just fine; I got out of the house at a decent time and made it to Arabic early. I stayed for my two early classes, then headed home in eager anticipation. I sent my MP3 player in to Best Buy recently for a warranty replacement, since the left audio channel had stopped working. I though perhaps the replacement voucher would be in the mail, so I came home and immediately check the mail. Nothing important, just the usual junk. To make it even better, Jackie was in a huff about something. I learned that she and Ashley had had a tiff about cleaning Alcott. Long story short, everyone was in a bad mood.

I defused the situation somewhat, but there's no way to fix it entirely at this point. No one will talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the living room and kitchen, that being Cameron's mess. Now, calling it Cameron's mess is a bit of a misnomer, because everyone has contributed to it by now. I still think of it as Cameron's because he's the one that has truly no intention of cleaning. We asked him about it once, and he really does not care what state the house is in. He's perfectly happy living in a pig sty that smells like spoiled food on the dishes sitting on the counters, and he's not concerned about dishes that come out with bits of dried refried beans still stuck to them. I can't confront him about it, because I'm not perfect and I have a feeling he will refuse to listen until I am always putting my own dishes away. After all, I wouldn't want to be a hypocrite. Oh well, we have a couple of indications that he may be moving soon, so I'm not pressing the issue just yet.

Back at school for my last class, Components lecture was just fine. After that I went to the Components lab to try and work on our current project, a program to take in a sentence and generate morse code. That part of the program is just dandy, but the last task, volume control, is still sketchy. My partner, Sean, and I worked for a good 3 hours and made only a little progress. I jokingly suggested that instead of programming that feature with a shaft encoder, we just install a variable resistor. It would be cheaper to mass produce anyway! However, that's not really the goal of the excercise. I wouldn't be concerned with having this halfway finished, but the project is due later today.

After all of that, I met with Ashley and made a preliminary meeting with a bible study group. I'll be meeting with 5 other men, and probably studying different Bible chapters in detail. After the meeting, I understand that this is sort of auxiliary to my Inquiry and RCIA classes, and more advanced. It may not be ideal for my situation, as I don't have an intellectual or spiritual framework to really understand completely the lessons that will be covered. However, at this point any information I learn is to my benefit. Besides, I will be able to gain from meeting more people in the community and building relationships there. Ashley was invited to sit in with us, but they traditionally have segregated men's and women's study groups, so they will try and find a women's group for Ashley to attend.


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