No More Calculus

Well, this has been a busy week. Tuesday night was the Physics midterm, which I thought went pretty well. Yesterday I stayed at school after my classes to try and study for calculus that evening. I got distracted with building a spreadsheet of my current grades, my last midterm grade and final grades, and my overall course grade. It turned out that I needed 75% on both the midterm and final to get an overall 60%. And judging from the old posted exams I was trying, I was going to get about 15% on the midterm if I had taken it. I decided it wasn't worth the effort.

My study skills this semester have been really, really horrible. I'm trying to use my high school strategy of go to class, understand the material, do zero homework, and ride the test grades. It worked marginally in high school, and again marginally in community college. Unfortunately, university classes don't work at all for this strategy. I'm so lost in calculus right now that there's no hope for this semester.

So today was my day to register for the fall. I talked to my academic advisor, told him what was going on, and I suggested retaking calculus over the summer. He agreed, and suggested a program called Course Repitition, where my calc score from this semester won't be calculated into my GPA. We also went over a plan for the fall. I wondered if I should take any more computer classes at the moment, since I have so much core curriculum to finish, but he said it was a good idea to keep taking classes that will boost my GPA. So next semester, I'm signed up for Arabic 1, Physics 2, and Computer Algorithms. I may try and change Algorithms to something else later, but we'll see. And I'm pretty far back on the waitlist for Arabic, so that may not happen.

Tomorrow is Army drill. We're going to Ft. Carson again for Weapons Qualification, so wish me luck!


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