Home Improvement and the RTD Strike

Well, I got back to Colorado on Friday night, and pretty much just crashed for the evening. Saturday I went and watched Jeannie's rugby games, and was very proud of her. She made a few great tackles, two of which were about 5 seconds apart. Ashley bought a few houseware items from the Habitat for Humanity thrift store. We have a new love seat, dishwasher, refrigerator, and a toilet and sink for the basement bathroom that's about to be built. All that for about $160. And everything's in pretty good condition too. Jeremey managed to install the new dishwasher earlier this week, and it works wonderfully.

Spring Break ended quietly, and on Monday I headed back to school. I drove to the RTD Park-n-Ride and waited about 5 minutes for a bus, but none came. I realized that the RTD drivers were threatening a strike, so I drove to school and parked in the Euclid visitor's lot. Sure enough, RTD is on strike, and only a smattering of local routes are running. My regional route to school is off for the strike, so I'm having to drive every day. I finally managed to find a free parking lot. It's about a mile away from campus, but the school has a temporary shuttle set up for just this emergency. Oh, and I might finally get to work out loans and pay tuition. With only a month of class to go. Hup team.

Tonight I'm going with Cameron and Jeremey to the Nuggets game, so that should be fun. Tomorrow Ashley and I are putt-putt golfing with Kristen and Holly and their boyfriends. Yay for triple dates. ( :P ) And with luck, Saturday night Ashley and I will go to dinner and a movie with some gift cards. It's been a while since we had a night on the town, just the two of us.


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