Glenwood Springs

Ashley and I are back from our scandalous vacation in Glenwood. We had an excellent time for the most part. We checked in Monday afternoon, and spent a good deal of time in the hotel room that night. We ordered Chinese in, just to be as lazy as possible. Tuesday we went shopping in the small commercial area downtown. Ashley spotted a cute and wonderful-smelling Italian restaurant called Italian Underground, but Kristen told us it was where all the mafioso's lounged around. We saw a shop with hand-woven blankets and cloths, but what was really unique was that you could see the looming machines in use. Very cool.

Wednesday, Ashley wasn't feeling very well in the morning, so I took care of her as much as I could. She felt well enough to do something by the afternoon, so we explored the Glenwood Caverns. They're not the most colorful caves I've been to, but the formations and the shapes of the caves were much more dramatic. We ended up taking a chance on Italian Underground, and lo and behold, no mafioso's. Just excellent food. We explored around Hotel Colorado a little bit, then called it a night. This morning, we drove back. We stopped to do some shopping in the Silverthorne outlet malls, but only ended up getting some Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

This weekend will be my first drill with the 651st since I got back. I'm looking forward to it, I'm just not sure what to expect yet. Will they actually have something better than cleaning out closets for me to do?


  1. Oooh so scandalous, but it sounds like it was a fun much deserved vacation for the both of you

  2. Hi Chris, glad your weekend went well, mostly...I think me and dad ate at the Italian Underground about 18 years ago, when you were very small, no mafioso then either. Let us know how school and other stuff is going...


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