Hey everybody, Chris here again! I'm finally out of Basic, and about a week thru Advanced Individual Training, or AIT. Life is much different here at Ft. Gordon, Georgia. Instead of 24/7 Drill Sergeant presence, they only really deal with us at the barracks. When we leave for school, we are under the instructor's charge, and generally the instructors are pretty lax. Our current instructor, Sgt. Grimes, is very laid back. And unlike the drill sergeants, he acts like a human being, with his own cares and concerns. He's here to teach us skills, not discipline. I really enjoy that attitude, since I have a high level of discipline anyway.

We even get free time after school and on the weekends. Yes, we have to take care of the barracks and the occasional busywork detail, but we can do just about anything on free time. The only frustrating part so far is when the drill sergeant on CQ for the night decides to play with formation times and uniforms.
"Formation is 21:15 in PT's."
"No, wait, it's 19:30 in BDU's."
"Why are you forming up? Formation isn't until 20:45 in PT's!"
You get the picture.


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