Week 1

Letter from Chris to sister Jean:

It's been a tough first week of Basic. This makes reception look like a luxury vacation! You don't blink unless the drill sergeant says to. Every little mistake by individuals will drop the entire 60 people in our platoon. We'll go entire days without technically being able to talk, but the last few days have been a little better. We have been figuring out how to stand still, how to clean the bay in time for wakeup, and how to remember gear. The drill sergeants have been slightly more personable, cracking the occasional joke. And we got the rest of our field gear and our M16's! We don't fire them for another week , but we carry them everywhere. We've been through unarmed combat, tactical movement, and Monday we go to Victory Tower to face our fear of heights.

I'm really missing home, the people, the foods, the relaxation time. I think I can handle this for a while longer.

And oh yeah- my mailing address is:
PVT Chris Keller
E Co 1-28 Inf Regt
5482 Jackson Blvd
4th Plt Terminators
Ft Jackson, SC 29207

(Sorry guys, this is jean updating this and it took me a while to figure out his password to log in. Write to Chris, I'm sure he would love the inspiration. I'm writing to him too - don't worry! Take care everyone)


  1. Glad to you're enjoying your time in training.

    All I can say is get used to the idea of not having a lot of free time, and being deployed more than you'd like.

    Thats from experience, if you have any questions about the Army, or being deployed go ahead and ask. I spent 18 months in Iraq so I have a bit of knowledge I'd be happy to share.

    Take care, and when you graduate, stay safe.


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