Fisrt Post!

Hey everybody, Jackie gave me the great idea of using a blog (web-log) for my day-to-day updates! You gotta love Jackie sometimes. I don't know that I'll be able to say everything in these posts and keep it content appropriate for friends, family, and everybody, but hopefully I can find the happy medium.

Anyway, for today, I've already had Spanish class. It was alright, but the teacher is very... random. I'm glad I've taken Spanish before or I'd never understand a thing that she said. The first couple days of her class were very slow, and today she was going "90 miles a minute" as a classmate put it.

As for the afternoon, I'm still in training at Echostar. At least now we'll be out on the floor, in "Travel Pod." Before now we've been mostly in the classroom with about 2 hours on the phones a night. From now on we'll be on the phones, but with a lot of supervision. It should be interesting to say the least; I'm looking forward to it, but then again, thats a lot of talking. I'll probably update after work just for gits and shiggles... Its off to work I go!


  1. Hi Chris, great idea, still want a call one a week or so. MOM

  2. Yay! I inspired something! Can I be your blogging muse?

    You can post messages with different security levels. One level is public, anyone can see it, another is friends, and only people that are logged in and on your friends list can see it and then there is private, and only you can see it.


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