On Endings and Beginnings

I forgot to mention a couple of other interesting notes concerning graduation and the like. The most exciting news is that I've transferred out of active drilling status in the Army Reserve and into the Individual Ready Reserve, otherwise known as inactive reserve. That mean's I'm essentially out of the Army; they can still call me up if I'm needed, but the circumstances would have to be extraordinary. I don't have to go to monthly drills, I just go for a once-a-year "muster" to make sure I'm still alive.

I have to say, it's bittersweet leaving the Army. I really enjoy doing my job there, and I enjoy the camaraderie. If I were keeping myself in better shape and moving forward in my military career, I would have a strong reason to stay. But on the other hand, it's really the right thing for me right now. My entire life is changing; I'm moving from primarily being a student to the working world. My situation in the Army was also supposed to change, as I was being forced to change units. For one thing, changing units would mean re-establishing my reputation as a good soldier. The fact that I'm a habitual PT failure means that I have a hard time gaining good graces with NCO's and officers until I've fixed their commo a few times. For another, being forced to change yet another thing in my life right now is difficult to fathom. And besides, it might be nice to see what it's like to live life without the Army. If I really find that I miss it, I can probably get in shape and go back.

The other thing that I wanted to mention was from the Engineering Recognition Ceremony. The Peak Brass Quintet played the graduates on to the floor with the traditional "Pomp and Circumstance," but after a while I realized they were working in other music too. It blended very well, so it was hard to tell at first, but they added some phrases from the Star Wars soundtrack as well as the Zelda video game soundtrack. It was subtle and tasteful, and I thought it was totally appropriate for a room full of über-nerds. Nice touch!


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