Tiny Speck of Light at the End of the Tunnel

My most exciting news to report is that I've received and accepted a job offer at Northrop Grumman! I've been interviewing pretty hard for the last couple of months, and Northrop Grumman gave me a great offer on a great-looking job. Once I graduate from CU next May, I'll start working in their Information Systems division, writing, maintaining and supporting software for national defense systems. I don't know exactly what the job will entail and what sort of systems I'll be working on because the details are classified (and even if I knew I wouldn't broadcast them here), but one of the engineers interviewing me assured me that "it's just data." I'm really glad that the interviewing process is done for now, that I know what I'm doing after I graduate, and that I have a great job at a great company waiting for me!

Now all I have to do is graduate. I'm not expecting that to be really difficult, but I do have to keep working at a steady pace. Next week is the last week of class for the fall semester. Most of my classes are wrapping up a few last homework assignments. In senior project we're going to give an extensive, hour-long presentation to our sponsors covering our progress through the semester and the current state of the project. For our group, I'm happy to report that our progress has been substantial, especially over the last two or three weeks. You can even start to see the fruits of our labor: go check it out at Volumizer! The purpose is to be able to create simple 3D models by taking 2D images and blowing them up like a balloon, and to make that a fun, social experience. We plan to do a lot more with it, but the basic picture editor, 3D viewer and social features are working! It's been very exciting to see the pieces come together.


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