Furry New Family Member

Alright, it's been a while since I've posted, but you can be sure I've been busy! School and my new workout regimen have been going pretty well. I've been falling short of perfect in both arenas, but I'm maintaining a good pace on both.

Over spring break last month, I had my good buddy William Holliday visit from North Carolina. I met William when we were both in Iraq, and it was great to see him again and show him around my beloved home state. I still have to figure out when I'm going to visit him.

Last weekend I had Army drill down at Ft. Carson. We stayed down at a little corner called Camp Red Devil, far from main post, which was a first for me. Our living arrangements were shacks covered in sheet metal, with cots to sleep in. Once you get past that little annoyance, though, it was a fun, productive weekend. I got to practice some of my radio skills for a change. We set up several radios, an OE-254 antenna, and tried to set up a retransmission site. I have some pictures up at Picasa, check them out!

The day after I got back from drill was a special occasion, the second wedding anniversary for Ashley and I! We decided to go to dinner, but got sidetracked at the Humane Society of Boulder Valley. My gift for this anniversary was to finally agree to adopt a dog. We looked at three, and loved them all, but one captured our hearts. He came with the name Austin, but we've decided to name him Apollo. He's a terrier/pit bull mix, and somewhere around 3 months old. He's a little shy and unsure of himself, but we hope to raise and train him to be a little more outgoing and friendly with people and other dogs. Our cats are divided about our new family member; Marley is pretty neutral and mostly ignores the dog, but Al is pretty unhappy. I think Al will get over himself eventually.

Looking forward, I have a couple days left of classes, a drill weekend (in the Army's typical horrible timing), and final exams. I have a lot to do in the next week, so wish me luck!


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