Ch.. Ch.. Changes!

I've been enjoying my time back home. I've re-established myself with Transportation Services, so I've been doing a few bus runs here and there. It didn't take long to get back into that rhythm. But they don't have a lot of work at the moment, so I've been spending much of my time at home.

I've been a little bit stranded, being without my own vehicle. Ashley's van is usually available, and her old sedan is still kicking around, but I still don't have a car of my own. To that end, I've been doing some shopping, and I'm getting close to a purchase. I've been looking at late '90s, early '00s sedans, specifically Volkswagen Jettas. I had a friend in high school who drove a very nice one, and I've been impressed ever since. I don't know what exactly is attractive about them; they just seem very practical, with a dash of personality and sport. I've tried shopping at a dealership, and was very turned off by the whole experience. Now I'm looking for private owners through craigslist, and I'm just hoping and praying that I don't get ripped off.

In other news, Ashley and I are flying to Columbus, Ohio in the morning. We're going to attend the Army's Strong Bonds seminar on marriage enrichment. It's not that I think we're having problems. Rather, I know that the past year apart has been difficult for both of us, and our relationship has inevitably changed. I think that if we have the communication skills that hopefully we'll learn at this conference, we'll be prepared to face whatever hardships will come when life kicks back in. We're still in sort of a honeymoon phase after the deployment, but when I go back to school and she starts working again, things may be different. If nothing else, we're going to the conference because the Army is paying me to go and be there. Everything is provided for, so we really didn't have a good excuse to turn it down!


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