Homeward Bound

Whew! Maybe I should change the blog's title to "Almost-Monthly!" I apologize for the delay, but we've been busy bees. In the past two weeks or so, we've completed our unit's move into different buildings. And as the commo people, we've been particularly busy. When a department gets to their new office, they need their computers, network connections, phones, and printers working ASAP. That was doubly as important for the TOC (Tactical Operations Center), which is the communications hub of the unit. They had radios and e-mail in-boxes that could only be down for a couple of hours. Frankly, we worked our asses off. Things finally seem to be calming down, and we've finally moved our own commo equipment.

The end of the move comes just in time for me to wish everyone a Happy Easter, and inform you all that I'll be headed home in a couple of days! I can't give you a specific time line for several reasons, not the least of which is that I don't even have one! I don't get an itinerary to Denver until I hit Kuwait, and even after that, all travel is weather-dependent. But if there are no delays, I should be in Denver sometime around April 17th. As soon as I sign out in Dallas, I have 15 days to get to Denver, enjoy myself, and get back to Dallas to sign in again.

While I'm home, Ashley and I will be celebrating our 1st anniversary! It's been a hectic year, and I've been away more than home. Hopefully that will change in the next year. I'm also going to attend Kelly's wedding, which is very exciting! I was disappointed to hear that I might miss it, but I think I might just get to be there! I should get a visit from my parents, and I'm definitely looking forward to that. There's also Ethel's belated birthday celebration. After that, I have very few plans, and I'm trying to keep it that way. Taking things day by day is something I can't do here in Iraq, so I'm going to try a little spontaneity for a change. I know I'd like to spend a day in Boulder. There are a couple of restaurants I would like to visit while I'm home, but I'm also looking forward to home cooking. And lots of time spent with Ashley. While it's disappointing that she hasn't been able to find a job (after looking very hard, I might add), I'm glad that she will have a lot of time to spend with me. So, hopefully I will see you all soon!


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