Well, last night we were slated to leave Kuwait. Despite all of the free time and the great ways to spend said free time, I think most of us are excited to leave. We'll be able to settle in our quarters for the year, start our jobs, and be reunited with our far-flung luggage (there were several shipments). So, we got all our little bags packed and bussed out to the airfield. And waited patiently. And waited some more. After a couple of hours, we finally got the news. J/K! Our flight had been canceled due to mechanical faults on the aircraft. Ok, no big deal, it happens all the time. But the Air Force's manifest system being what it is, we don't get priority on the next flight or anything silly like that. Instead, we have to wait at least 2 days to re-book. Right... Now, our fearless leaders have discussed a few possible plans of action, but long story short, it will be anywhere between a week and a month before the unit is fully assembled in Iraq. Gotta love the Air Force.


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