
Showing posts from March, 2006

New look

Sorry , but you know I had to copy your timing. My layout was looking boring too! So I've changed it, for the better I think. I liked the old layout, but the colors were odd and I didn't want to take the time fixing them manually. And for those of you, namely , who follow my LJ and check daily for posts only to be bombarded by three weeks at once, I'm sincerely sorry. I can only be bothered to update sporadically. So foo on you!

Spring Break and New Mexico

Ah, wonderful spring break! It has been really nice just laying around the house, attempting to clean stuff and not really getting very far. At least I haven't had to think about school. The weekend was a little tense as Jeremey was being a moody dumbass, but what else is new. He's feeling a bit better now I think, and we can at least get him to laugh. I'm leaving for New Mexico tomorrow, and it will be good to see the family again. Mom was in town a few weeks ago, and then Dad the next weekend, but I haven't seen Jeannie or Zach. My whole family is planning on coming back to Colorado to watch Jeannie's rugby game and to visit relatives. Should be fun!

Wedding Bliss

Well, midterms are truly done now. CompSci went great, I got a 90 on the exam. I even got part of the no-points bonus question: "What are Bart Simpson, Homer Simpson, and Abraham Simpson's middle initial? J!" Today I got all dressed up in my Class A's and drove two hours to Hugo to see Matt Blanski's wedding. We were roommates back at Ft. Gordon, so it was only natural that I should at least see his wedding. The ceremony was pretty small and very simple, but elegant. It sure got Ashley all misty-eyed. Sarah was beautiful, and Matt looked very good. The reception was about half a block away at the community center; Ashley and I had trouble finding a seat for the festivities, so eventually we were invited to the head table. It was a bit awkward at first, but we still enjoyed ourselves. Their dance together was The Frey 's "Look After You," and it was very sweet. Matt has always been a nut for The Fray . They opened their gifts at the reception, and the...

Midterms round 2

Well I survived the week. My midterms went pretty well considering all that's been going on; I took Physics on Tuesday night, and got an 84. Not bad! My calc exam on Wednesday night wasn't nearly as good, I scraped a 53. But temper this with the fact that the average was a 62. There should be a significant curve, so I'm not too worried just yet. I just need to keep studying at full steam! I guess this round of midterms isn't actually over. Next week on Wednesday I have my Computer Science exam during class, but that should really be a breeze. Even if it goes badly, it's only worth as much as a project assignment. We have 8 total projects thru the semester, and I've already aced 5. It's not going to affect my grade much if I bomb it, and I suspect I'll still do well of it. Here, play with this to see what I'll be covering in CompSci.

My study ethic seems to be diminishing as I go. A...

My study ethic seems to be diminishing as I go. At the beginning of the semester I promised to work to do as well as I could manage in my classes, even if it meant *gasp* doing homework every night! Oh the horror! Well, that started out okay, not quite up to standard but passable. A month ago I missed a couple of math homeworks and haven't really turned in any since. I'm still steadily doing my compsci and physics, but that's to be expected. Truth is, I'm really worried about passing this calc class. As in if I don't start working harder at it in the very near future, I won't be able to recover in time for it to make a difference. This is a terriby inconvenient time for a scholastic meltdown, considering it's midterm week. We'll see.

Drill and video games

School has been going well this past week. I decided to try and use my laptop for taking notes in class, even though it has a very short battery life and I have to be plugged in wherever I go. It works pretty well, so I'll keep using it for now. Tuesday was a lot of fun; our CompSci TA Assad decided at the beginning of class that it was way too nice outside, and that the last 30 minutes of class we'd go out and throw a frisbee around the lawns. I knew I liked Assad as a TA. Saturday and Sunday I was busy with the Army. It was drill weekend, and my unit headed down to Ft. Carson for simulated weapons training on the EST 2000 systems . Essentially it's one of those arcade game with the gun on a hose; but the rifles are real M-16's gutted and fitted with pneumatics and sensors, and the video screen is an entire wall thanks to a projector system. We trained on conventional qualification ranges Saturday, and Sunday we trained on a specially designed convoy simulator with ply...

Holy Shnikies!

Must see game

A weekend with Mom

I was blessed this weekend to get to hang out with my mom again. I haven't seen her or the rest of the family since Christmas, so I was really happy to see her. We got to visit and catch up, and I got a few good meals off of her! But truly, had a really good time. We also worked on the back yard a bit this weekend. We had taken down the overgrown lilac bushes last weekend, and this weekend we hauled them to the recycling center and bought bricks for the retaining fence and supplies for the garden.

Funny Money

So as it turns out, the Financial Aid office decided to review my FAFSA to see if I really qualified for all the aid I recieved. Turns out, I don't fit the DOE definition of a veteran since I haven't been active duty other than training. That means I'm not an independent student, which means they have to look at my parent's financials instead of my own. Long story short, the big chunk of money they gave me isn't mine, so not only do I owe CU my entire tuition, but also $1500 they gave to me. This sucks. Guess I'll have to keep pestering for my Army money. Go-Go-Gadget-Army-Funds!