
Showing posts from July, 2008

More work?

Today was quite a bit more productive than usual. We squared away some preparations that will ease the transition in Iraq. It's a lot of paperwork, but it's worth doing now. Besides, the only other task we have is to sit around until something breaks, just staring at each other. Why everyone in the section needs to do that, I'm not sure, but anyway... Besides that, I managed to get to the PX today. I picked up a couple of small things: hangers, 100 mile-an-hour tape and 550 cord (not for anything specific, but useful stuff to have around), and a cheap travel pillow in ACU colors. Awesome. I might be able to get into a class for another computer system. I've never seen it before, but apparently it's a good system that we will use frequently for our unit's job. It has to be better than paperwork and staring, right?

Disclaimer About Updates

I have obviously fallen way behind on updating. I do plan to go in and post-date entries for as much as I remember, but my internet connection right now leaves much to be desired and it's preventing me from updating efficiently. Instead, I'm going to give you the quick-and-dirty rundown of the last couple of months, then start updating from today. Later, when I have better conditions, I'll post-date and the journal will read seamlessly. Here's the scoop: April 19th - Got married. Beautiful wedding. Short honeymoon at Broker Inn, longer honeymoon planned for after deployment. May 5th - Finished semester. Decent grades on the classes I actually finished. May 12-15 - Army radio class with Pvt McLovin and PFC Jade, good refresher, got to know people a bit better. May 19-23 - Vacation with Ashley and Dad in Pagosa Springs timeshare. Nice to relax. May 24 - Jeannie's Graduation. Great day. June 1 - Start full time Army. Working in Denver, sleeping home at night. PFC Ja...